Our mission


Our hope is that our art can help bring some hope and strength to those in Japan. We hope that the actions of each person affected directly or indirectly by this disaster, whether in Japan or overseas, will help Japan to overcome these difficult times, arise anew, and start the rebuilding process. We pray for the people of Japan and their recovery.


Pray for Japan Sunrise Project では、ポスターやポストカード、ステッカーの販売による義援金活動とメッセージを送る活動をしています。今、日本が大きく傷つき困難がある中で、人々が希望を持って共に一緒に頑張って乗り越えていく力、またその願いを表現しました。私たちは、これらの収益を100%日本赤十字社へ寄付することを目指しています。(アメリカ、ボストンエリアの活動の場合は、ボストン日本領事館を通して日本赤十字社へ寄付が行われます。)

The Pray for Japan Sunrise Project sells products such as posters, postcards, and stickers. The picture is meant as a symbol of hope and unity in light of the recent disasters. Our mission is to donate 100% of the proceeds of the sale of our products to the Japanese Red Cross. The donations will be collected through the Japanese Consulate of Boston and wired to the Japanese Red Cross. (* If Boston area.)


Mother's Day Charity Event for Japan

Sunrise will be at 
Charity event at USS Constitution Inn, Charlestown.
Sunday May 8th, Mother's Day. 11am- 3pm

150 3rd Ave. Boston, MA 02129

100% of proceeds will be donated to relief efforts in Japan.
Hosted by Japanese Women's Club of Boston(JWCB)



Play for Japan: Benefit Concert Series for Disaster Victims

Play for Japan: Benefit Concert Series for Disaster Victims
Monday, May 2, 2011
William H Lincoln School, Brookline

Performance by Japanese classical musicians
(Japanese benefit Concert Group)
Students' Chorus group
Genki Spark Taiko drummers


Sponsored by the Lincoln School, the Lawrence School, 
the Brookline High School, and the Japan Benefit Concert Group.
Art by Pray for Japan Sunrise Project.


Pray for Japan Postcard Set A (Original, Orange, White/Blue)

ポストカード A セット(英語版)3枚入り

Postcard Set A (Original, Orange, White/Blue)
English/ set of 3

Pray for Japan Postcard Set B (Original, Orange, Yellow/Green)

ポストカード B セット(英語版)3枚入り

Postcard Set B (Original, Orange, Yellow/Green)
English/ set of 3